Extragalactic Microlensing

magnification maps


Parameter Value Min Range Max
convergence 0.3 0.01 2.0
shear 0.3 0.0 2.0
smooth matter 0.0 0.0 0.99
source radius 0.0 0.0 1.0
mass function constant power-law (alpha=-1.3) power-law (alpha=-2.35)
map size Einstein radii pixels
mean magnification
as a binary file

This simulator generates extragalactic gravitational microlensing magnification maps based on the work by Shalyapin, Gil-Merino and Goicoechea (2021) that combines the solution of the 2D Poisson equation for the deflection potential and an inverse polygon mapping approach.

The user can select the values for the convergence, shear and smooth matter fraction using slide bars. It is possible to convolve the magnificationn map with a Gaussian source profile using the slide bar "source radius" in Einstein radius units. The distribution of the microlenses in the lensing galaxy can be selected from three selectors: constant, i.e. all lenses equal mass, Kroupa (alpha=-1.3) distribution and Salpeter (alpha=-2.35) distribution. Finally, the physical size of the magnification map can cover 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Einstein radii with a length side of 500, 1000 and 2000 pixels.

The magnification map is generated pressing the button "Generate Map". The distribution of probability of the magnification map, normalized by its theoretical value, will appear in the block "Magnification Probability Distribution" and the magnification map itself will be in the block "Magnification Map" that has to be selected. The generation of the magnification map will only take a few seconds, and it can also be downloaded as a binary map by pressing the button "Save Map".

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